






Hydrological Regulation Performances of LID Practices Based on Different Rainfall Reappearance Periods

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    作為最典型的土地利用變化過程之一,城市化進程通過改變該地區(qū)的下墊面條件,改變了天然狀態(tài)下的水文機制,并進而產(chǎn)生一系列水環(huán)境問題。低影響開發(fā)(LID)的雨洪調(diào)控措施通過在源頭上消納徑流,被視為解決城市雨洪問題的新方法。通過SWMM(Storm water management model)軟件建立模型,對不同重現(xiàn)期降水的典型LID措施截流池、入滲帶、透水性路面和生物滯留池進行了模擬。模擬結(jié)果表明,各LID措施的調(diào)控性能隨著降水重現(xiàn)期的不同而產(chǎn)生明顯的變化;隨著降水量的增大,各措施的洪峰流量消減率及入滲補給率(截流池除外)均有不同程度的下降,但洪峰流量消減量隨著降水量的增大而增大,入滲量基本保持不變(截流池除外);當采用相同的表面面積設計時,滯留池的洪峰流量消減性能最好,入滲帶的入滲補給性能最好;決定其調(diào)控性能最主要的因素本質(zhì)上為其“有效容積”,即各措施所能容納的水量。


    Urbanization caused hydrological change and increased stormwater runoff volumes, which led to flooding, erosion and the degradation of instream ecosystem health. Low impact development (LID) options had been proposed as an alternative approach to mimic the natural flow regime by using decentralized designs to control stormwater runoff at the source, rather than at a centralized location in the watershed. Hydrological regulation performances of these LID practices can be influenced by rainfall characteristics, such as rainfall intensity and duration. To evaluate the impacts of different rainfall reappearance periods, rainfall analysis was conducted to determine the rainfall characteristics and SCS II type was selected for the analysis. A modeling approach based on SWMM was described to incorporate these LID practices into an existing hydrological model to estimate the impacts of LID practices on the surface runoff. Results demonstrated that the LID practices led to significant stormwater control for different rainfall reappearance periods. Hydrological regulation performances of the LID practices were varied with rainfall reappearance periods. For LID practices with the same surface area, the detention pond performed the best in reducing peak flow rate, which was followed by infiltration trench, bioretention cell and porous pavement. Detention pond was capable to reduce the peak flow rate of 100-year storm to the value of 10year storm, indicating significant performances. Differences in peak flow reduction were due to structure differences in the LID practices. For the infiltration regulation performances, infiltration trench had the highest recharge ratio for all the rainfall reappearance periods, followed by bioretention cell and porous pavement. Porous pavement, though made of 100% pervious material, infiltrated small runoff which was limited by the native soil infiltration rate when the rainfall volume exceeded the storage capacity. Deep analysis was conducted to determine the reasons that the LID practices performed differently when they had the same surface area. Results showed that the “effective storage”, which was the water volume that a facility can contain, was the crucial factor. When rainfall intensity was larger than native soil infiltration rate, the excessive water was stored in the facility, and then it was released or infiltrated to the groundwater, depending on the facility structure. Consequently, the water exceeded the “effective storage” was flowed over the LID practices and made contribution to the surface runoff directly. Calculation results showed that the “effective storage” for the detention pond was 1861.20m3, which was the largest among the four LID practices, and it explained the reason that detention pond worked the best in peak flow reduction. The “effective storage” for the infiltration trench, porous pavement and bioretention cell were 744.48m3, 80.37m3 and 565.14m3, respectively.


孫艷偉,Pomeroy C A,呂素冰,徐存東.基于不同重現(xiàn)期降水的LID措施水文調(diào)控性能研究[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學報,2016,47(6):178-186. Sun Yanwei, Pomeroy C A, Lü Subing, Xu Cundong. Hydrological Regulation Performances of LID Practices Based on Different Rainfall Reappearance Periods[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2016,47(6):178-186.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-11-10
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2016-06-10
  • 出版日期: 2016-06-10